Fidelity Assessments: From Standards Adherence to Quality Improvement.



G. Langill, A. Selick, J. Durbin

Over the past three years the fidelity assessment initiative has grown by leaps and bounds. This project is based on a partnership between CAMH and EPION to support the implementation of fidelity assessments in EPI programs. To date, we have conducted fidelity assessments in 17 EPI programs, and we have delivered three rounds of fidelity training to a total of 45 participants. Participants of this session will receive an update on the fidelity assessment initiative and the instructive themes emerging from our aggregate data. Discover what challenges and strengths your program may have in common with other EPI programs across Ontario, as we work through obstacles related to psychosocial programming while innovating to successfully deliver the full basket of mandated EPI services. Discuss with us what opportunities can be explored to increase the spread of fidelity assessments and utilization of the outcomes. Finally, participants will learn how our “Fidelity QI Bank” can support EPI programs in using results to inform quality improvement initiatives, on your own, or in a community of EPI programs with a common interest.

Clinicians Family Members Lived Experience Managers Peer Support Workers Researchers