H. Martin, A. Taksal, N. Pawliuk, S. Iyer
Background: Treatment team qualities (TTQ), an indicator of therapeutic alliance, is an established
factor that promotes mental health recovery. Little information is available on the cross-cultural pattern
and determinants of the longitudinal change in TTQ across early psychosis intervention models
(Specialized:Montreal, Canada vs Integrated: Chennai, India). Such information is crucial to elucidating
mechanisms underlying different care models and the design of interventions to improve service
Method: Between 2012-17, we collected self-report on 9 TTQ items at 3 time points (baseline:Month3,
12, 24) that were rated on a 7-point Likert scale that ranging from 1 strongly disagree to 7 strongly
agree. 168 participants were recruited from Chennai and 165 participants from Montreal which was also
part of a larger cross cultural study, consisting of service users and their families, who used early
psychosis intervention services.
Results: Preliminary analysis shows degrees of perceiving TTQ differed among service users and families
although overall the results were on agree rating across timepoints. Patients from Integrated and
specialized care model significantly strongly agreed to 3 items in baseline (provides me with information
when needed, explains any point I do not understand, works in collaboration) whereas among family
members 2 items in month 12 (is available when I need them, wants to know my opinion) was
significantly strongly agreed. On the other hand, 2 items in month 24 (listens to me, is respectful of my
viewpoint) showed trending results and last 2 items (Understands my concern, directs me to useful
resources) did not show statistical significance across timepoints.
Conclusion: This is the first study to assess cross-cultural longitudinal pattern of TTQ across two early
intervention care models. The results showed surprising similarities and differences among its
consumers demonstrating that treatment team qualities are associated with the components of the care
Implications for practice: Early psychosis intervention integrated care model is appropriate for
implementation in resource poor countries. This implicitly demonstrates fidelity to the model