Need of cultural competence in treating Ethno-specific Psychosis clients.


A. Sallh

PCHS strives to follow the family-centered approach when working with mental health and addiction clients. The presenter strives to work with the family as a client since family dynamics can have an important bearing on one’s mental health, especially in South Asian cultures. While serving clients with serious mental health illness, the public health model lacks in the following aspects: giving attention to diversity factors, understanding the culture at individual, family, organizational and social level.
This poster aims to highlight the importance of:
(i) To highlight current challenges being experienced by members of the South Asian community accessing the mental health services.
(ii) Considering client’s cultural background, language and natural support systems in a client’s care.
(iii) Approaches for services providers; and to educate family members on supporting their loved ones going through mental health challenges.

Clinicians Family Members Lived Experience Managers Peer Support Workers Researchers